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Mission is what God does through you

Ephesians 2:10 says we are “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”.

God calls with a purpose.  Jesus sent His disciples “into all the world” to preach the gospel.  The apostle Paul wrote of preaching the gospel, winning souls and serving others for the sake of the gospel.

We believe that every member is a minister.

Every member of a local church has gifts, talents, abilities and strengths which are valuable and beneficial for the local  church and the purpose of God in the earth.  The local church is a place where people can attend and be ministered to and helped.  The greater purpose of God, however, is for every member to be a minister who can serve and be a help to others.  We are “created for good works”!

Jesus gave His disciples a mission, commonly called the Great Commission.  He said to the them (and to us) to "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".  Our mission is to win people to Jesus, help them to become strong followers of Jesus and bring others to Jesus.

If you have recently received Jesus as your Saviour, go and tell somebody what has happened in you.  Your mission has begun!

© 2019

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